- Francesco Massara
- Alberto Cavara
- Richard Dunbar
- Michele Ciriali
- John Offerdahl
- Francesco Massara
- Richard Dunbar
- Michele Ciriali
- Robert Shadur
- Javier Beraza
- David Siegel
Ciao Maurizio,
Sono trascorsi piu’ di 10 anni dall’acquisto della mia prima pipa “Le Nuvole”. Da allora ho continuato ad acquistarne altre senza mai lasciarti dei commenti forse per pigrizia o forse a causa del mio lavoro che mi porta sempre impegnato in giro per il mondo.
Oggi per l’ennesima volta ho ricevuto una nuova pipa e mi sento in obbligo di lasciarti un mio commento.
Io credo che tu che abbia raggiunto un livello di creativita’ veramente elevato da grande artista. La prima cosa che caratterizza questa pipa, come per tutte le altre che ho ricevuto, e’ la leggerezza e il bilanciamento veramente incredibile, direi unico, ecco perche’ non puo’ esserci un nome piu’ appropriato come “LE NUVOLE”.
Guardandola posso notare un fiammatura uniforme e sufficientemente sottile un design unico che tu insieme a tua moglie dai ad ogni pipa e qui si nota la tua mano di artista con nelle mani il ciocco e dover scegliere come creare nel modo migliore una pipa, come lavorarla per ottenere un compromesso tra funzionalita’ e design.
Bravo e Grazie Adesso non vedo l’ora di rodarla e iniziare a bruciare tabacco, di questo ormai ne son sicuro come tutte le altre non avro’ sorprese, le tue pipe non mi hanno mai tradito.
Ti ringrazio ancora e ti saluto
Alla prossima
Francesco Massara, AL-JUBAIL, Saudi Arabia, Aprile 25 2013
Gentile Sig. Maurizio,
finalmente trovo una briciola di tempo per scriverle..
Sul fronte estetico la sua creazione è veramente notevole, personalmente non amo le linee esasperate e troppo creative ma preferisco le linee classiche. L’interpretazione della forma billiard che ha voluto dare con quella impercettibile curva che “chiude” in testa al fornello la rende originale ed unica, l’aggettivo che la rappresenta al meglio è “leggiadra”.
Non sono un fumatore incallito, fumo la pipa solo nei momenti di relax quindi solo a casa alla sera o nei fine settimana e ad oggi avrò fatto una decina di fumate, le ultime via via più piacevoli. Sto rodando con virginia golden glow di SG e ultimamente un paio di fumate con Sunday Picnic di C&D, entrambi “rubbati” a dovere e lasciati asciugare un po’ di più rispetto a quanto di solito faccio, avendo riscontrato un po’ troppe accensioni e abbondante fondiglio umido nelle prime fumate. Come per tutte le pipe che ho rodato sto iniziando a conoscerla e non posso certamente considerarla del tutto svezzata, mi resta ancora da carpirne il segreto per arrivare a fine fumata senza troppe riaccensioni, idealmente a non lasciare fondiglio e possibilmente non dover seccare troppo il tabacco prima della carica.
Un cordiale saluto, Alberto
Alberto Cavara, MIilano,Italia, 4 Ottobre 2012
“Thank you, Maurizio. This is an extraordinary pipe. I think it is the best pipe I have seen from you, and you know how much I admire your work. I did not think your shaping needed any improvement but this pipe seems to me a new level.
The slim shank, the perfect lines and balance, and the quality of the finish all tell me that this pipe is at the absolute highest level. There is no excess wood whatsoever and the pipe has the feel of a highly honed standard shape from the best of the old English factories – but it is a freehand pipe and a one-off.
It is almost weightless at only 32g for a pipe this shape and length (15cm). You must have been delighted when you were inspecting and finishing this one. This is extremely fine work and I wonder if there has ever been a pipe of this quality made in Pesaro before.
What did you think of it? I feel like I should send it back to you to be put on display, but I could never part with it. 😉
I have recently started to see more of your pipes for sale on US retailer websites, which I am very pleased about. It should mean that more are available and your work becomes more widely known – as it deserves to be.
Richard Dunbar, Singapore, June,26 2015
Gentile Maurizio, tante sono le pipe acquistate negli anni che ormai ne aggiungo raramente alla mia collezione. Le ultime arrivate sono prodotte da te e sono quelle che più spesso metto in tasca uscendo di casa, destinate a bruciar tabacchi facendomi compagnia. Io sono uno di quei fumatori che la pipa la tengono sempre in bocca, dunque leggerezza e bilanciamento sono le caratteristiche che prime determinando la mia scelta e le tue “Nuvole” corrispondono appieno a tali peculiarità. Di Nuvole ne ho due: una dublin sabbiata, di un bel colore ambrato scuro, con la veretta di ginestra, fine di dimensione e chiara di colore, il bocchino in cumberland, con la testa inclinata in avanti, “canted” per gli anglofili. L’altra, pure canted, è una billiard liscia con la testa dal profilo elegantemente riconducibile alla forma detta a ovetto; rigorosa col suo bocchino in ebanite nera. Mi sono dilungato a descrivere queste due per evidenziarne l’asciutta eleganza ed il design raffinato che, assieme alla cura posta nei particolari costruttivi e nella finitura, sono le caratteristiche peculiari delle pipe nate dal pensiero e dalle mani di tua moglie Stefania e da te. Tra qualche giorno arriverà la mia terza Nuvola: uno splendido cornetto, per me così elegante e leggero che meglio non potrebbe immaginarsi. Leggero parimenti nel peso di trenta grammi e già so che sarà sempre nella mia tasca, pronto a bruciar tabacco.
I wanted to let you know that my lovely new Le Nuvole pipe arrived today.
I’m the sort of person who looks over a pipe very thoroughly when it arrives, and in looking over this one my conclusion is that it is a practically perfect pipe! Beautiful drilling and alignment, excellent fit and finish, a lovely design, and a comfortable button. I am smoking it as I type this, and while I’m only about a quarter of the way into the bowl the flavor delivery and smoking nature of the pipe is excellent.
I also love how the bowl is slightly swept back from the front, which is what initially caught my eye on this particular pipe. I am so very happy to have it, and am certain that it is merely the first of future purchases from you.
Thank you for getting it to me so quickly!It came as quickly as I get packages from a US business just 1 state over from Georgia.
Yours in appreciation – John
… (soon after the first smoke)
…This pipe is absolutely beautiful; the windswept bowl wonderfully done. Fit and finish are excellent – nothing about this pipe is less than exactly done. Perhaps that is why the break-in smoke is so delightful! Smooth, cool, and flavorful – just like smoking an old friend.
John Offerdahl, Smyrna, GA, US, March 11 2014
Ciao Maurizio,
Eccomi con la mia ennesima “Nuvola”, ormai sono diventate le mie favorite, al mattino le vedo la’ nella mia vetrinetta le ammiro e rimango minuti a decidere quale usare.
Ma torniamo alla mia ultima, una fiammata dritta a forma di corno: bella, bella, bella. Si nota guardandola che e’ fatta con una lavorazione accurata e come al solito un design azzeccato, una fiammatura piu che degna di una tua N.5, ma quello che colpisce e’la leggerezza caratteristica di tutte le tue pipe.
La leggerezza, io in questo sono un fissato per me la pipa deve stare in equilibrio tra gli incisivi superiori e il labbro inferiore e avere un bilanciamento perfetto, tutto cio’ lo si riscontra nella mia ultima Nuvola a tal punto che (questa non e’ assolutamente una critica) avresti anche potuto allungare di poco il bocchino e non sarebbe stato male.
Adesso mentre ti scrivo la sto usando, ovviamente per le prime volte, caricata per meta’ con tabacco non molto forte e non troppo aromatizzato, e ti confesso, mischiato con un po’ di briciole di toscano antico. Fumandola posso notare, come anche su tutte le mie Nuvole, che il tabacco si brucia in modo uniforme, ha un tiraggio adeguato e aggiugerei delizioso.
Maurizio come al solito hai creato un’altra bellissima opera d’arte.
Complimenti e alla prossima.
Francesco Massara, AL-JUBAIL, Saudi Arabia, Agosto 25 2013
Hy Maurizio,
The pipes arrived yesterday and they are beautiful. Thank you. I am most attracted to pipes that are a little different from the standard shapes, but still shaped in a familiar and recognizable way. Both of these pipes feel familiar but modern and, although I haven’t seen other pipes like them anywhere else, they look as though the shape and design is very natural and logical. I suppose that is a sign of excellent design and execution – to make something quite unique but which still looks and feels immediately “right”.
I don’t know if you are familiar with my favourite band, Pink Floyd. You post links on Facebook sometimes to similar bands so I guess you know Pink Floyd’s music. The guitarist, David Gilmour plays in a way that is very clean and melodic, and it seems as though his music is very simple, except that nobody else can play like he does. Probably only other guitarists fully appreciate that he is one of the best in the world. I feel the same way about you and your pipe-making. You make something very difficult appear to be easy and natural, and nobody else makes pipes that look like yours.
Anyway, back to my two new pipes. The long-shanked apple is a superbly comfortable pipe in my hand and I think this is a very good shape indeed. I think you were quite generous to grade this pipe with 4 clouds because the grain is very attractive. I hope one day you can make another like this for me with a sandblast – I would be very pleased to have a pair of these as it just seems to “fit” me perfectly.
I am very happy with the canted liverpool as well and the weight is very good for a pipe with quite a large, deep bowl. I think this will be a good pipe for smoking burley blends in. I think your choice to round the edges of the top of the bowl was a good one and it gives the pipe a very modern character.
Thank you again.
Best regards, Richard.
Richard Dunbar, Singapore, January 12 2013
“Le tue pipe, quelle che ho acquistato, non sono della serie Zed; quest’ultime non si confanno ai miei canoni estetici, troppo eccentriche per me. Se tu proponessi solamente questa serie non credo che mi sarei avvicinato alle Nuvole, ma poi, per mia fortuna e piacere produci anche profili classici, e sono pipe bellissime; sobrie, raffinatissime, con proporzioni perfette, costruite con grande precisione e accuratezza, insomma, diversi gradini al di sopra di marchi blasonati e ambiti da collezionisti che, dal mio punto di vista, si accontentano e non conoscono l’accuratezza di un lavoro fatto a regola d’arte. Sei un vero maestro e sono molto contento di aver incontrato il tuo lavoro e, chissà, magari riuscirò a incontrarti di persona un giorno. Buona notte e grazie per l’impegno che profondi nel tuo lavoro.
Di pipe ne ho circa trecento, le tue sono quelle che più apprezzo.”
Michele Ciriali – 23 Maggio 2019
My experience first smoking the Zed 050 was an ethereal one.
The full, blue moon on a beautiful warm night and your pipe complemented one and another. I found myself in a sheer state of bliss as I smoked a bowlful of Orlik Golden Sliced (the gold in the tobacco mirroring the golden hues of the pipe–especially in the moonlight).
I thought of you and the loving hands that had fashioned and labored so long and hard over the pipe.
It was a “once in a blue moon” experience.
Thank you, thank you (molto grazie), Bob
Robert Shadur, Pawling,NY, USA , 7 Settembre 2012
I was at the Barcelona World Cup in 2003 and then I saw your pipes first time. I didn’t buy anyone because I had no enough money.
Today I received this pipe that I bought online at Tabaccheria Toto 13. I want you to know that I am more than happy with it. It”s not a good pipe nor a very good pipe; it is a perfect pipe. Thank you, Maurizio, for making such a gorgeous pieces.
Best regards from Bilbao, Javier Beraza”
“How many pipes do you have?”
Having collected pipes for 40+ years I’ve lost count as to how many times I’ve been asked that question. ‘One less than I need,’ I answer cynically.
Inevitably I then get asked, “How many do you need?” They knew what was coming: ‘One more than I have.’
When looking at pipes I always keep in mind the three collections theory:
1. The pipes I bought and love.
2. The pipes I bought, sold later and wish I hadn’t.
3. The pipes that got away. These are pipes that I could have bought – all within reason — but didn’t. I’m still kicking myself and mad beyond belief for not having bought them. This particular collection always weighs heaviest.
Rewind to May, 2004. I finally got a chance to meet my dear friends Maurizio and Stefania Tombari at the Chicago Pipe Collectors Club Show. We’d corresponded endlessly via email and I owned several of his pipes: finally they decided to cross the Pond and visit America. That year when that year they came to the Show, I spent a good deal of time with them and helped Maurizio out at his table — facilitating his communicating with those customers that came by to see and purchase his work.
There was one pipe that was talking to me (okay: screaming at me) for the three days I was there. Do I get it? Do I pass on it? After all, the other pipe collector’s axiom I live by is,
*Don’t need it
*Can’t afford it
*Only one thing to do: buy it. (Again: within reason.)
Couple that with the fact that for three days a voice inside my head kept telling me “You are not going to get another chance at one like this.” And so I pulled the trigger.
This has to be one of the finest pieces Maurizio has ever carved. How many 6 Clouds has he made over the years? In my opinion he under graded it.
The stem has a lovely taper to the lip, beautifully flared and, like all his stems, sits perfectly in my teeth. I love how Maurizio put a slight bend to the stem to balance out the fact that the shank has about a 15o incline.
The crown-like silver band is a lovely departure from his basic silver band. The round shank would qualify this pipe as a Liverpool, except for the fact that the bowl is a beautifully flared Dublin/Danish freehand shape.
It is not often that one encounters such a stunning piece replete with the burl on top. Such is the case with this pipe. A nice detail that Maurizio did include was that he polished a ring around the tobacco chamber, just to insure an even pack each time.
I’ve always admired Maurizio’s motto: Pipes, like clouds, unrepeatable and light in weight. Well, this pipe is lighter than a cloud. As far as it’s being unrepeatable: that’s one of the reasons I bought it as I knew I was not going to see another one like this again.
How does it smoke? Just as any Le Nuvole that I have smoked, I am sure it smokes great. (I don’t actually know because it is simply too beautiful to put a match to.) Remember #3 from above: The pipes that got away. These are pipes that I could have bought – all within reason — but didn’t. I’m still kicking myself and mad beyond belief for not having bought them. This particular collection always weighs heaviest. I wasn’t going to let this one get away. That doesn’t mean I’m obligated to smoke it…
Should you ask me to sing the praises of my other Le Nuvole pipes, I’d advise you bring a few pipes and plenty of your favorite blend(s) to smoke, ‘cause when it comes to that, I’ve got a lot to say.
Molte grazie Stefi e Maurizio.
David Siegel, New York, NY, US, August 23 2014